Patrick’s Secure Mango Tree
We were making a statement
Somehow I knew this was
Something significant
It was what we were saying
About human security
Hussein swung in with
The big Sony on his shoulder
I switched on the digital recorder
Patrick wanted to explain
About the food gardens
And this mango tree
We agreed this story
Was about the secure mango tree
Patrick told us about people’s fear
To come to this spot to dig
To gather wood
Because the rebels could take you
And kill you from here
But now at the time of speaking
Patrick said this was safe
People felt OK
A secure mango tree
But no one knew
For how long
Willy Bach © 2004
Footnote: Patrick Opira, Hussein Madhir, George Odong and myself in Pader town IDP camp, August 2003. Two weeks later the town was burnt down by the LRA and 140 people were abducted. Security is only about a particular place at a particular time.
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