Kim Beazley affirms Australian 'values' - if you believe him

Writing to your Member of Parliament sometimes works - if they answer your letters:
Dear Kevin Rudd
I am extremely disappointed that your leader, Kim Beazley, has made this announcement,
Beazley's values test 'absurd', September 12, 2006 - 11:20AM and Values statement won't suit tourists: PM, September 13, 2006 - 2:34AM - seemingly without any consultation with colleagues. I believe this is breaking with Labor's long tradition of tolerance.
Sadly, this ill-judged announcement is playing straight into the hands of the ugliest members of the Howard government: John Howard, Peter Costello, Brendan Nelson, Bronwyn Bishop, David Jull, Dana Vale, Sophie Panopoulous, Peter Dutton et al, who, as you know, are leading this country into a divisive "Kristallnacht in slow motion", resulting in numerous acts of vandalism, violent assaults and insults against Muslims and other minority groups - and the Cronulla riots - egged on by John Howard's great friend, shock jock, Allan Jones. Lets not forget Phillip Ruddock.
I would be happy if Kim Beazley quietly dropped the unworkable and insulting suggestion that people coming into Australia on holiday, or for any other purpose, should affirm Australian 'values'. I would want watertight written guarantees that such thinking would not be a part of any future Labor government. Please provide me with this assurance.
Fortunately Senator Robert Ray has called on Kim Beazley to scrap the idea and other Labor colleagues have taken the same view. I hope you will do the same.
Thanks for this.
Willy Bach
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