Not like ordering a pizza

I never stop being busy. The most recent being the launch of my book 'Picking mangoes that are still green' at the Queensland Poetry Festival, at the Judith Wright Centre on Saturday 26 August.
'Picking mangoes' is an artefact of George W Bush's fraudulent 'War on Terror' in which state terror has risen to new heights of obscenity and the most afflicted people are the world's poorest. War in Africa is the signal of further conflicts to come. The book is published by and available from Post Pressed Publishing
I would also like to express my appreciation for another artefact of the illegal War of Aggression and Plunder Against the People of Iraq: James Blunt - 'No Bravery'. Listen and watch, the passion must move you.
James blunt served as a soldier in Iraq with the British army and he hated every moment of it, not because of fear but for what he is describing in this lovely song of his from his 2005 released album "Back to bedlam"!
To listen to this song follow the link
This is my contribution to the body of work denouncing the war crimes that Israel and the USA have most recently committed against the people of Lebanon - and while we were all distracted with this horror, denounced by the UN, Secretary General, Kofi Annan and by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, the IDF continued to commit atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank against Palestinians
Not like ordering a pizza
If we are convinced
That war is normal
A routine activity
Something that
Must be done
Like the chore
Of cleaning the house
Cleaning up South Lebanon
Levelling villages
Evicting everyone
Who can drive
Or walk
Or breathe
Then war is something
To do when you see advantage
A natural response
When the mood takes you
Part of life
Something to plan for
Unless someone has
The temerity
To resist your advances
To hinder your work
Cause you to reconsider
I’ll have olives and anchovies
With mine
In say 30 minutes?
Willy Bach © 2006
10 August 2006 – Montessori School, Fig Tree Pocket, Brisbane – during Israel’s assault on Lebanon
[Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud] “Olmert has said Israel would welcome a robust international force in southern Lebanon. But Israel's main concern remains the presence of Hizballah fighters in the area, as Israeli Brigadier General Yossi Kupperwasser, a senior intelligence officer, told reporters in Tel Aviv on August 7. "Some people ask, 'How come the Israeli army has not crushed Hizballah within five minutes?' So, let me tell you something: Crushing Hizballah is not like ordering a pizza. It takes time," Kupperwasser said”.